Monday, November 17, 2008

The Other Side

I am still shooting pictures of my hallway. This is a side you haven't seen before. It is the OTHER side of the hallway, the side I have been shooting all of these pictures from. I think it is interesting in comparison because I have focused so much on the other side, the white door and everything, and I completely forgot about the side leading to my living room. The streamers hanging are left over from our "blue" themed election party. Along with the streamers we had blue drinks and blue food. I bet you can guess why we chose the color blue. I tried to offset the blue in the streamers by also wearing a blue scarf. I also wore black to go along with the black frames on the wall and the black curtains. The couch is messed up because my roommates somehow fell asleep on it the night before (after coming home from parties and whatnot) and left for breakfast right before I took these pictures. I really like the way the square patterned drop ceiling continues into the next room. The phone thing was initially not on purpose. I got a call from a friend as I was about to take the image and decided that I would appear to still be on the phone in the image. I wanted it to look like I was just busy and occupied in my own atmosphere. I was really weary about the amount of light pouring in through that window at first, but now I really love it. The light is encased in that door frame and then reflected onto the wood floor. The shininess of our floor and walls are what struck me about these images in the first place. The way they catch and reflect light is very visually interesting. I am not done with this hallway yet, but I am not sure what to do next. My first idea was to change the dynamic by adding more people. I would like normal interactions with my roommates to show a more accompanied atmosphere rather than me just looking super lonely all the time. Thoughts?

Monday, November 10, 2008

My Hallway... Again

So, I was told to take more self portraits and to take more pictures in this hallway. I waited until it was dark out and I turned on lights in certain rooms and left their doors open for the right amount of light reflection. I chose to not look quite as sloppy as I did in the previous pictures. Actually wearing shoes probably helped. And I seem to have overcome my fear of self portraits.
I am actually LOOKING at the camera. Can you believe it? I guess from that distance you can't really tell if I am making an awkward face. This picture took numerous tries. I have luckily found times when my roommates were not home to take these images. I am sure the constant lights going on and off would annoy them. I like the way the rooms reflect different colors. The room on the right is painted a bright blue. Through the doorway you can see the blur reflecting on the door frame. The room in the front is yellow and there is a slight hint of that color in the door frame, as well. I felt kind of stupid "posing" for the camera. That is what it feels like when you have to look at it. I sucked it up, though, and gave my BEST serious face. Any ideas of other things I could do in my hallway?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I Hate Self Portraits

I hate self portraits, but mainly just self portraits of me. I know I said this last week about the self portrait I did, and for some reason I still made more. The class seemed to think that it would be interesting for me to create more images of myself appearing alone in my house. I came up with the concept of self portraits that DO NOT include my face. I get very uncomfortable taking pictures of myself and my face shows it. So, I chose to make myself anonymous. Except for the fact that I am not really anonymous because I just admitted that these pictures are of me. Anyway, the front hallway in my house has this really cool staircase and really ugly pink wallpaper. I have always wanted to photograph it and thought that my anonymous self portraits would give me the perfect chance. The lighting kind of sucked, and I kept thinking that I looked like I was posing on the stairs (which I was) instead of walking up them. It was hard to try and get my position just right and hold it for the long exposure. I was hoping that my black jacket with the hood up might make me look creepy. My excuse for creepy pictures last week was Halloween. I guess I don't have an excuse this week.
This is my bathroom. A typical, ugly, long, skinny Worcester apartment bathroom. I was trying to make it look like I was brushing my teeth or something. I hope that came across. This was really hard to take because I kept standing in the wrong spots. Its hard to know when you are not behind the camera where exactly something is in the frame. It didn't dawn on me until just now that it might have been smart for me to put some sort of marker on the ground. This picture is not that creepy. It is just old looking. Actually, now that I am looking at it, it is kind of creepy. It looks like that moment in a scary movie when the killer is approaching their victim and everyone watching is saying "Turn around he (or she) is right there!". But they don't hear you through the screen and they don't notice the killer until it's TOO LATE. Anyway, these images were purely experimental. I am not sure if I am going to take this self portrait thing any further. I am kind of sick of it already... not a good sign.