Monday, November 10, 2008

My Hallway... Again

So, I was told to take more self portraits and to take more pictures in this hallway. I waited until it was dark out and I turned on lights in certain rooms and left their doors open for the right amount of light reflection. I chose to not look quite as sloppy as I did in the previous pictures. Actually wearing shoes probably helped. And I seem to have overcome my fear of self portraits.
I am actually LOOKING at the camera. Can you believe it? I guess from that distance you can't really tell if I am making an awkward face. This picture took numerous tries. I have luckily found times when my roommates were not home to take these images. I am sure the constant lights going on and off would annoy them. I like the way the rooms reflect different colors. The room on the right is painted a bright blue. Through the doorway you can see the blur reflecting on the door frame. The room in the front is yellow and there is a slight hint of that color in the door frame, as well. I felt kind of stupid "posing" for the camera. That is what it feels like when you have to look at it. I sucked it up, though, and gave my BEST serious face. Any ideas of other things I could do in my hallway?

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