Monday, October 6, 2008


I was babysitting my boss's children the other day and I brought my camera. I made them go outside even though they wanted to play on the computer and we played tag for a bit. I was surprised at how they were not at all phased by my camera. Their mom told me that was because she is constantly taking pictures of them. This particular picture of Sam (6) was taken in the boy's little hideout between the bushes on the side of their house. Sam picked up a stick and was sticking it into the ground. I took this same picture about twenty times to try and get one sharpened one (it was pretty dark under there), and I was successful. To me this represents childhood imagination. He looks like he is in his own little world. It kind of reminds me of the Jungle Book too...
This is Sam's brother, Mason (3). I took this picture as he was trying to put his helmet on. He was so puzzled by this object, and I just loved the concentration on his face. I thought this image was very representative of who he is; an adult in a little three year olds' body. It also highlights his fat cheeks and the little smirk on his mouth. Even though it was not exactly what I was going for, it is a pretty adorable image.

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