Monday, October 20, 2008

My Worcester Neighborhood

This image was taken in front of my next door neighbor's house. This house is the brightest blue you have ever seen. It is also loaded with flowers and wind catchers all around it. It is a three family house but every floor occupies different groups of the same families. They spend so much time outside fixing up their yard and repainting the house. I also see them building things a lot in their garage. They have parties in their driveway every time the weather is nice. They sit out there blasting Latin music and drinking a beer while their kids ride around on bicycles. This house represents hard work and liveliness to me, but this image shows a different side. Being located in Main South, Worcester they obviously feel that they must lock the gate to their driveway. The house looks so homey but its surroundings are not.
After being yelled at by numerous neighbors for taking pictures of their property I was very nervous to be taking pictures of this dog. The first time I approached the fence he ran up and started barking franticly. He was pretty small but I could tell he had the napoleon complex. He thought he was the toughest dog on the block. I started to get scared that his owners would come out to see what all the commotion was and would think I was taunting him. So, I walked down the street looking for other things to photograph. I walked by the house again on my way home and the dog did not move. He remained calm on the porch. I used this opportunity to snap a picture of this calm dog behind a "Beware of the Dog" sign. I wanted him to be slightly unnoticeable at first glance so I kept him out of focus. He wasn't all that scary after all!

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