Monday, November 17, 2008

The Other Side

I am still shooting pictures of my hallway. This is a side you haven't seen before. It is the OTHER side of the hallway, the side I have been shooting all of these pictures from. I think it is interesting in comparison because I have focused so much on the other side, the white door and everything, and I completely forgot about the side leading to my living room. The streamers hanging are left over from our "blue" themed election party. Along with the streamers we had blue drinks and blue food. I bet you can guess why we chose the color blue. I tried to offset the blue in the streamers by also wearing a blue scarf. I also wore black to go along with the black frames on the wall and the black curtains. The couch is messed up because my roommates somehow fell asleep on it the night before (after coming home from parties and whatnot) and left for breakfast right before I took these pictures. I really like the way the square patterned drop ceiling continues into the next room. The phone thing was initially not on purpose. I got a call from a friend as I was about to take the image and decided that I would appear to still be on the phone in the image. I wanted it to look like I was just busy and occupied in my own atmosphere. I was really weary about the amount of light pouring in through that window at first, but now I really love it. The light is encased in that door frame and then reflected onto the wood floor. The shininess of our floor and walls are what struck me about these images in the first place. The way they catch and reflect light is very visually interesting. I am not done with this hallway yet, but I am not sure what to do next. My first idea was to change the dynamic by adding more people. I would like normal interactions with my roommates to show a more accompanied atmosphere rather than me just looking super lonely all the time. Thoughts?

1 comment:

pitchertaker said...

Maybe move away from the "centralness" of the end of the hall. As to adding people, I was thinking after class the other day that you have become more comfortable with YOU in the pictures, wondered if you could apply that directorship with another person/s in the image. No, I don't think you have exhausted the doorway, yet.
