Monday, December 1, 2008

Drunk Puppy

This is my dog Zoe. Last night I was at home doing homework. I knew I had to go to bed early because I had to wake up early this mornine to drive back to school. I packed up my lap-top and was about to call my dog to follow me upstairs. Then, I noticed she was sleeping so soundly and peacefully that I had to get a picture. I took my camera out, set it up, and she immediately woke up. I decided, then, to just take pictures of her looking at the camera. I discovered that if I set the camera to the timer she stares at the camera because of the blinking light. She was so relaxed the entire time that I was taking these pictures that I decided to add my unfinished glass of wine. Now, I think this is a white wine glass, and yes that is red wine in it, and it kind of bothers me. I doubt it bothers the dog, though. I was so paranoid that the wine was going to spill and stain the couch so I would stand there holding it in place as the timer was going off and I would just take my hand off at the last second for the exposure. I was worried that this was going to just look like some cheesey picture I took of my pet, but I don't think it does. It actually kind of reminds me of my mom. The dog is sitting on her sacred "spot" on the couch, with a glass of red wine, and what looks like a long days work. I guess was trying to humanize Zoe. I don't think I will be taking a series of images with her, but I am glad that I got at least one that I like.

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