Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving and Goodbye Digital Photo Class!

So, I have noticed another theme that has developed in my pictures: wine. As I started gathering images for my final I realized that four of them had wine in them. This was not at all on purpose. I guess my life is just surrounded with wine and I can't get it out of my pictures... I also really like wine glasses... maybe that has something to do with it. Anyway, this is an image I took at my uncle's house on Thanksgiving. I really liked the image I took of my family at my house on my grandmother's birthday. There were in focus items on our kitchen island and everyone was moving around it. I tried to capture that again. That is my grandma in the blue sweater; I have no idea what she is doing. That is also my wine glass that I purposely placed there. I also tried to get my aunt to be inside my wine glass. The shine on this granite countertop reflected all the items really beautifully. I was having trouble not pissing my family off with all of my picture-taking. Since I was using the countertops as my tripod some of the time I got yelled at to get out of the kitchen a lot. I also got yelled at to come to the kitchen when I got so carried away with my picture-taking that I neglected my boiling potatoes. Even though my family gets annoyed with the pictyre-taking, I think they get excited when they actually see the images. It is definitely worth it.
So, since this is my last official "Into to Digital Photography" post, I guess I have to say what I learned and all that nonsense. This semester has been the most self-assuring of all three of my photo semesters. I put a lot more effort into the images I was actually making and I found myself constantly soming up with new images in my head that I should take. I think my photographic "epiphany" happened when I took the first image of my hallway. For whatever reason I was really compelled to take that picture, and completely estatic when it turned out exactly how I wanted it to. The class also seemed interested in it and that drove my to continue taking self portraits in my hallway. I had always hated taking pictures of myself because I get really awkward about posing and everything. I am okay with smiling snapshots but serious model pictures are not my forte. It was difficult not only to get the image right but to be my own model. Even though I will not be in a photo class next semester, I will definitely continue photographing my hallway and most likely be posting those images on here. After every photo semester I get really busy and I find myself forgetting to bring my camera places and never taking enough pictures. Then, when I come back to another semester of photo my skills are rusty and it takes me a while to get back into the rhythm of things. I will do my best to NOT let that happen this time. This semester has been really eye-opening for me and I would be a fool to just let things end here.