Thursday, December 11, 2008

Hidden treasures...

So, since I already did my "last photo class" blog, and apparently I was a week early, I wasn't sure how I should sum things up from the class this week. SO! I decided to go through all my images of the semester in search of some "hidden treasures" that I did not post and I did not show in class. They are not all THAT great. I mean if they were I would have shown them already. Anyway... I did think some were worth posting.

This is the first picture I ever took for this class. I was just testing out my camera and trying to learn more about it. This image is okay. I think I like that it was the first image I took more than I like the actual image. This is my room at home. My bed is not made well. I really like white and there is a lot of it in my room. This would have been much better with a tri-pod, but I guess three months ago I just didn't know any better.
Yes Frank, I have a boyfriend. You have known me for three years and somehow you never knew that. Well, in case you didn't believe me this is him. I was taking pictures in a park and he didn't understand why I wanted to take pictures of him and not the park. This makes me want to shoot him more. I took some of him in past classes and really liked them. I don't think he really likes me taking his picture, though.
Blurry, cut off foot, where is the front of the wheel? This picture sucks if you examine it closely, but if you just take a quick glance and appreciate it for the colors it is pretty cool. So, just do that. Don't examine it. Just enjoy the colors.
Thanksgiving at desert time. That's my Grandpa down at the end. And my aunt (who Annie knows) is holding the wine glass. I think that wine glass held so delicately is what makes the picture. It was coming to the end of the night here and, as you can tell, people were tired. This is a very typical image for my family.
More Thanksgiving! People are enjoying their desserts. I wish the whole family was in this. It's really only like a third of the people that were there. I would have loved to get a bigger group but people were getting fussy about the pictures by dinner time. I had to give it a rest and wait for dessert.
I had to include at least one self portrait. I showed an image similar to this in class, but I actually like this one much more. There is this circle of darkness around me and I am just standing in the brightest part of the picture. Those lines from the shades are pretty cool, too. I look like a peeping tom. Actually, my roomates and I do spy on the neighbors sometimes but only when they are outside and having entertaining arguments. And even when we do that it is not from my window.
I just couldn't help myself...

1 comment:

pitchertaker said...

OK, OK, you have a boyfriend. I really didn't doubt, but you never talk about him, or mention his name. He must not be in Worcester. Do you have Worcester boyfriend, too? huh, HUH?