Monday, October 6, 2008

Bristol, Rhode Island

I was assigned to take a fall picture for my photo class, so I drove down to my boyfriend's school in Rhode Island. His school is in Bristol which is an old New England town on the water. When I think of fall I think of New England and foliage. This image i took in Colt State Park. The trees were this very vibrant yellow. The sky was a little gray and it was raining on and off. At first, I was upset that I chose such a crappy day to go out and take my pictures, but in the end it all worked. It probably worked even better than it would have if I chose a nice sunny day.
I have my boyfriend to thank for pointing out this awesome rock. I love all of the colors; it looks kind of like an abstract painting. I could not see a lot of these colors when I was taking the picture because the image was coming out a bit dark. Photoshop managed to fix that, though. I am very happy with this image because it is completely different than my other work.
This is another one of my fall images (if you could not tell). This tree was so old and so dead looking, but it was so completely beautiful. I loved the rusty orange colors of the leaves and decided to just focus on this one. I love to way the branches look in the background against the gray sky.
There were these two lion statues in front of the gate to a castle in the middle of this park. I found it very interesting that the faces of these lions were actually different. At first, I tried to capture that but they were so far apart that it was not working. Then, somehow I came upon this picture and really loved it. The lion in the foreground almost looks like he is staring at his reflection which is out of focus. I am also a fan of the teal green in the statue against the forest green in the background.
I really love old houses. They have so much history to them and they are so much more intricate than the houses we build today. I especially love them when they are a bit broken down, like this one. I trespassed on someone's property to get pictures of this balcony in shambles. The different shades of white are what I think make this image really work.
These roses were so red, and on this rainy day they stood out like a sore thumb. They were also dripping with water which added to their beauty. I think this image is very simple: some flowers in the foreground with an out of focus background. I don't care though, because those flowers are stunning.

1 comment:

Colleen said...

I love the "abstract rock painting"...the colors are so vibrant but in a very subtle/unsaturated way. I actually couldn't even tell it was a rock until I read your little blurb, but the texture is awesome too.